Fortify Your Immune System With IV Vitamin Therapy

Jan 02, 2024
Fortify Your Immune System With IV Vitamin Therapy
Your vitamin levels impact how well your immune system functions. Your immune response will get impaired if you’re low in even one of the nutrients your body needs. Fight back against cold and flu season with IV vitamin therapy.

Your body relies on the immune system to fight off illness-causing pathogens, and it works especially hard during cold and flu season. Vitamin deficiencies can slow the speed of your immune response, leading to illness.

Give your immune system the nutrients it needs with intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy from IV Replenish Bar in Brownsville, Brooklyn, in New York City. Our experts provide various infusion treatments to fortify your immune system and keep you healthy.

Let’s look at the essential vitamins your body needs to protect you from illness and infection and how IV vitamin therapy can deliver them quickly and efficiently.

Immune-boosting vitamins

Your immune system recognizes germs such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins and, in ideal circumstances, neutralizes them. This system — consisting of organs and cells in your body — must be healthy to ensure a rapid response.

A balance of all essential nutrients is critical to maintaining your overall health. For top performance, your immune system needs protein, essential fatty acids, and the following vitamins and minerals:

Vitamin A

Creating white blood cells to fight off infections and illness, vitamin A is a contributor to your immune system. It also plays a role in the growth of skin cells and cells that make up the mucus membranes in your intestine and respiratory tract.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C supports the production of immune cells and antibodies. An antioxidant, vitamin C protects cells from damage as your body fights off pathogens.

Vitamin D

Triggering immune cells to jump into action when they detect an infection, vitamin D also helps decrease the inflammation occurring when fending off illness.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E maintains the structure of the cell walls. Without sturdy cell walls, your immune system’s ability to shield against pathogens gets impaired. Vitamin E is also an important part of immune cell production.

Vitamins B6 and B12

Vitamin B6 helps build and regulate your body’s immune cells. Both vitamin B6 and B12 ensure that your immune system gets enough oxygen by ramping up red blood cell production.


Iron, zinc, copper, and selenium are crucial to your immune system. Even a slight zinc deficiency can make healing difficult from an illness or infection. 

Immune response requires the body to produce enzymes, which iron and copper can help build. Selenium allows those enzymes to function. 

What are the benefits of IV vitamin therapy?

IV vitamin therapy is the best way to restore nutrients quickly, whether you have an existing vitamin or mineral deficiency, illness, or want to ramp up your defenses. 

During IV therapy, our staff deliver nutrients directly into your bloodstream, bypassing the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.

Oral vitamin supplements aren’t as effective due to the limited capability of your GI tract to absorb the dose of nutrients. Even with high-dose oral supplements, only a certain percentage of active ingredients can be absorbed.

IV vitamin therapy delivers doses of nutrients rapidly. We customize the levels of each vitamin to your requirements, whether you need a larger dosage of a single nutrient or a top-up of several.

Would I benefit from an IV infusion?

IV vitamin therapy allows your body and immune system to achieve maximum potential. Anyone can benefit from an IV vitamin infusion, but the following risk factors may increase your need for an extra nutrient boost:

  • Medical conditions, such as autoimmune disease or chronic inflammatory disease
  • Lifestyle factors, such as poor sleep and diet
  • Stress
  • Age

IV vitamin therapy can supercharge your immune system and keep you feeling great. To experience the benefits of an IV vitamin infusion, call or click to make an appointment with the experts at IV Replenish Bar today.